Statement of Entitlement
If you believe you are entitled to membership by whakapapa to Taranaki Whānui ki Te Upoko o Te Ika (Port Nicholson Block Settlement Trust), then we encourage you to register using the online application or, if you prefer, click here to print and post the completed form to us at:
P O Box 12164
Wellington 6144
Taranaki Whānui ki Te Upoko o Te Ika (Port Nicholson Block Settlement Trust) includes any person who can whakapapa by direct line of descent to:
- The original beneficiaries of the 27 September 1839 Port Nicholson Block Purchase Deed; (the attached list of tupuna may be of assistance, click here to read it); or
- The persons listed in the Schedule to the Declaration of the Native Land Court in Wellington dated 11 April 1888; or
- Other persons who whakapapa to Taranaki Whānui not named in 1 or 2 above but who lived within the Port Nicholson Block, Wellington District as at 6 February 1840; or
- Adopted persons, and their descendants (blood or whangai) where the adoptive parent(s) can whakapapa to a blood descendant of any of the original beneficiaries set out in 1 to 3 above.
You are eligible to become a verified member of Taranaki Whānui ki Te Upoko o Te Ika (Port Nicholson Block Settlement Trust) if you meet the above criteria.